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J. Grosch
Compiler Generation
Josef Grosch
Aug. 4, 1992
Report No. 24
Copyright c 1992 GMD
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH
Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe
Vincenz-Priesznitz-Str. 1
D-7500 Karlsruhe
1. Introduction
This manual describes the features and the usage of two kinds of preprocessors
contained in the Karlsruhe Toolbox for Compiler Construction. The preproces-
sors cg -xz and rpp derive a parser specification and most of a scanner
specification from an attribute grammar. The preprocessors l2r, y2l, and r2l
convert input for lex and yacc into specifications for rex and lalr and vice
versa. All preprocessors work as filter programs reading input from standard
input and writing output to standard output. Some preprocessors can read from
a file specified as argument, too.
2. Specification of Scanner and Parser with an Attribute Grammar
Writing specifications for the scanner generator rex [Gro87] and the
parser generator lalr [GrV88] directly in the tool specific language is a
practicable method. However, it has some disadvantages. Most of the tokens
are specified twice and their internal representation or code, respectively,
has to be selected and kept consistent, manually. Access to attributes using
the yacc-style $i construct (see e.g. [GrV88]) is less readable and error-
prone in case of changes. The following solution avoids these disadvantages.
Instead of using the tool specific language for rex and lalr directly, a
language of higher level is used. It replaces the $i construct by named attri-
butes and describes a complete parser and most of a scanner in one document.
Two preprocessors transform such a specification into the languages directly
understood by rex and lalr. Fig. 1 shows the data flow using arrows between
boxes and circles. Boxes represent files or file types and circles represent
tools or preprocessors. The intermediate file named Scanner.rpp by default
contains the part of the scanner specification that can be extracted from the
parser specification. Table 1 gives the meaning of the file types used in Fig.
1 and this manual.
Fig. 1: Data flow during scanner and parser generation
Table 1: Meaning of file types
file type meaning
.pars scanner and parser specification (including S-attribution)
.scan rest of scanner specification
.rpp intermediate data for completion of scanner in .scan
.rex scanner specification understood by rex
.lalr parser specification understood by lalr
.ell input for ell (= input for lalr with EBNF constructs [GrV88])
.lex input for lex
.yacc input for yacc
Source generated module (or linked from library reuse)
Scanner generated module
Parser generated module
Errors generated module (or linked from library reuse)
The formalism used to describe parsers (.pars) is an extension of the
input language for the tools ast [Gro91] and ag [Gro89] (see section 2.1.).
This leads to a rather uniform set of input languages for most of the tools
and simplifies their use. The preprocessor cg -xz transforms a parser specifi-
cation in ag notation into one in lalr notation and extracts most of a scanner
specification. The parser specification in lalr notation is written on a file
named <Parser>.lalr. <Parser> is substituted by the name of the parser module
which defaults to Parser. The extracted scanner specification is written to a
file named <Scanner>.rpp. <Scanner> is substituted by the name of the scanner
module which defaults to Scanner. The rest of the scanner specification must
be written in the language directly understood by rex. It has to contain the
part of a scanner specification that can not be derived automatically. This
part is usually rather small and comprises the description of user-defined
tokens like identifiers and numbers, comments, and the computation of attri-
butes for the tokens. A few insertion points are marked to tell the preproces-
sor rpp where to include the generated parts (see section 2.2.).
2.1. Parser Specification
The input language of ast and ag can be used to generate a parser. The
details of this language can be found in the manuals for these tools [Gro89,
Gro91]. The reader should be familiar with these documents because the
current manual describes primarily the extensions necessary for parser genera-
The language can describe concrete as well as abstract syntaxes. Nonter-
minal, terminal, and abstract symbols or node types are distinguished by the
definition characters '=', ':', and ':=', respectively, and have to be
declared by default. However, the option j of cg -xz allows undeclared termi-
nal symbols and declares them implicitly. In any case, terminal symbols with
attributes have to be declared explicitly.
Note, the following names are reserved for keywords and can not be used
for grammar symbols. Unfortunately, some of them occur frequently as keywords
in languages that are being defined. They should be turned into strings by
surrounding apostrophes:
The right-hand sides of node types without extensions are interpreted as
right-hand sides of grammar rules (see e. g. Assign, Call0, Call, and If in
the example below). The children of the right-hand side form a sequence of
terminal and nonterminal symbols as usual. The names of those node types
serve as rule names. If a symbol occurs several times on one right-hand side,
it has to be preceded by different selector names (see e. g. the rule named
If). Attributes in brackets are not interpreted as grammar symbols but as
attribute declarations representing values to be evaluated during parsing.
Not every name of a node type is interpreted as nonterminal or terminal
symbol. Only those node types that are used (referenced) on some right-hand
side and the first node type which is regarded as start symbol are treated as
grammar symbols. If a node type is defined as nonterminal then all associated
extensions become alternative right-hand sides for this nonterminal symbol.
If a node type is defined as terminal it remains a terminal symbol. If a node
type is not defined and option j is not set an error message is issued. If
option j is set then undefined node types are implicitly defined as terminals.
The grammar needs not to be reduced. This means it may contain superflu-
ous terminal and nonterminal symbols. Symbols are superfluous if they are not
referenced from any rule. Those symbols are simply ignored and reported as a
Example: input of cg -xz
Stat = <
Assign = Adr ':=' Expr .
Calls = Ident <
Call0 = .
Call = '(' Actuals ')' .
> .
If = IF Expr THEN Then: Stats ELSE Else: Stats 'END' .
> .
Expr = <
Plus = Lop: Expr '+' Rop: Expr .
Times = Lop: Expr '*' Rop: Expr .
'()' = '(' Expr ')' .
Adr = <
Name = Ident .
Index = Adr '[' Expr ']' .
> .
> .
Example: output of cg -xz
Stat : Adr ':=' Expr .
Stat : Ident .
Stat : Ident '(' Actuals ')' .
Stat : IF Expr THEN Stats ELSE Stats 'END' .
Expr : Expr '+' Expr .
Expr : Expr '*' Expr .
Expr : '(' Expr ')' .
Expr : Ident .
Expr : Adr '[' Expr ']' .
Adr : Ident .
Adr : Adr '[' Expr ']' .
The rule names and the selector names on the right-hand sides disappear (e. g.
If). The extension formalism is expanded (e. g. Calls and Adr) - it is not
mapped to chain rules. The expansion includes the inheritance of children and
attributes (e. g. Calls). All node types that are used somewhere become non-
terminal symbols (e. g. Expr and Adr).
The rule names of non-referenced node types may be omitted. They are
necessary for example if modules are used in order to refer from an attribute
computation to a grammar rule.
Example without rule names:
Stat = -> [Tree: tTree] <
= Adr ':=' Expr { Tree := mAssign (Adr:Tree, Expr:Tree); } .
= Ident '(' Actuals ')' { Tree := mCall (Ident:Ident, Actuals:Tree); } .
> .
Ident : [Ident: tIdent] .
Example with rule names:
Stat = <
Assign = Adr ':=' Expr .
Call = Ident '(' Actuals ')' .
> .
Ident : [Ident: tIdent] .
DECLARE Stat = -> [Tree: tTree] .
Assign = { Tree := mAssign (Adr:Tree, Expr:Tree); } .
Call = { Tree := mCall (Ident:Ident, Actuals:Tree); } .
END Tree
Attribute declarations and attribute computations are written exactly as
for ast and ag. Attribute computations may be placed everywhere within
right-hand sides, not only at the end. These computations are executed from
left to right as parsing proceeds. They may only make use of those attributes
that have already been computed before or to the left, respectively. The
extension or inheritance mechanism for right-hand sides, attribute declara-
tions, and attribute computations is available. The default computations
(copy rules) for synthesized attributes are available, too. A specification
may be separated into several modules. There could for example be modules for
the concrete syntax, for the attribute declarations, and for the attribute
computations. It is even possible to distribute the mentioned kinds of infor-
mation into several modules.
Attribute declarations and attribute computations with named attributes
replace the explicit declaration of the type tParsAttribute and the $i con-
struct. The attribute declarations are transformed automatically into a
declaration of the type tParsAttribute. The attribute computations in the new
style are more readable and robust against changes. The given attribute compu-
tations are checked for completeness and whether the resulting attribute gram-
mar obeys the SAG property. Only attribute grammars with synthesized attri-
butes can be evaluated during parsing.
Every terminal has a predefined attribute named Position of type tPosi-
tion. This type is a user defined struct (record) type and has to contain at
least the members Line and Column. This attribute describes the source coor-
dinates of every token and it is computed automatically by rex generated
scanners. The values of all other attributes of terminals have to be supplied
by the scanner by user specified computations. Still, attribute computations
for those attributes (except Position) have to be specified in the parser
specification, too. They are used to generate the procedure ErrorAttribute.
This procedure is called by the parser whenever tokens are inserted in order
to repair syntax errors. The procedure and therefore the mentioned attribute
computations have to supply default values for the attributes of tokens.
The right-hand side of a node type or a grammar rule, respectively, may
contain actions to be executed during parsing. These actions may be placed at
the end of the right-hand side or anywhere between the right-hand side ele-
ments. In any case these actions are executed from left to right according to
the progress of parsing. The syntax of the actions is the one defined for the
attribute computations of ag. It is assumed that most of the actions will
compute attributes. Actions which are not attribute computations are possible
but have to be written as some kind of CHECK statement:
=> statement ; or => { statement_sequence } ;
The following extensions of the language of ast and ag are used for
parser generation, only. A grammar may be optionally headed by names for the
modules to be generated:
The first identifier specifies the module name of the scanner to be used by
the parser. The second identifier specifies a name which is used to derive
the names of the parsing module, the parsing routine, the parse tables, etc.
If the names are missing they default to Scanner and Parser. In this document
we refer to these names by <Scanner> and <Parser>. The parser name may be
followed by a set of target code sections which is copied unchecked and
unchanged to the input of the parser generator or the parser module, respec-
IMPORT { target_code }
EXPORT { target_code }
GLOBAL { target_code }
LOCAL { target_code }
BEGIN { target_code }
CLOSE { target_code }
The precedence and associativity for operator tokens can be specified
after the keyword PREC using LEFT, RIGHT, and NONE for left-, right-, and no
associativity. Each group headed by one of the latter three keywords intro-
duces a new group of tokens with increasing precedence. The precedence and
associativity information is copied unchanged to the parser generator.
LEFT '+' '-'
LEFT '*' '/' MOD
The precedence and associativity information is usually propagated implicitly
to the grammar rules by taking it from the right-most token in a rule. Rules
without an operator token can get the precedence and associativity from an
operator token by adding a PREC clause at the end of a right-hand side.
Expr = <
= Expr Expr PREC SEQ . /* explicit prec. + assoc. of SEQ */
= '-' Expr PREC MONOP . /* overwrite prec. + assoc. of '-' by MONOP */
= Expr '+' Expr . /* implicit prec. + assoc. of '+' */
= Expr '-' Expr . /* implicit prec. + assoc. of '-' */
> .
Tokens or terminal symbols are mapped automatically to integer numbers to
be used as internal representation. This mapping can be overwritten by expli-
citly giving codes for terminals.
Ident : [Ident: tIdent] . /* implicitly coded */
IntConst : 5 [Value: int ] . /* explicitly coded as 5 */
The attribute declarations for terminals are turned into a declaration of
the type tScanAttribute. The scanner communicates attribute values of termi-
nals to the parser using a global variable called Attribute which is of this
type. This type is a union type (variant record) with one member (variant) for
each terminal with attributes. The names of the terminals are taken for the
names of these members (variants). However, this leads to problems if the ter-
minals are named by strings or by keywords of the implementation language.
Therefore terminals may have two names. The second one is used as member name
in the type tScanAttribute. The predefined attribute Position mentioned above
is always included in this type. Assignments of attribute values in the
scanner therefore have to use two selections to describe an attribute:
Attribute.<selector name>.<attribute name> = ...
definition of terminals including attributes and member selectors in the parser specification
Ident : [Ident: tIdent] . /* selector name: Ident */
':=' sAssign : [Ident: tIdent] . /* selector name: sAssign */
TRUE sTRUE : [Ident: tIdent] . /* selector name: sTRUE */
'..' : [Ident: tIdent] . /* selector name: yy17 */
access of attributes in the scanner specification
access of attributes in the parser specification (at node directly)
Ident Position
access of attributes in the parser specification (from a child node)
Ident:Ident Ident:Position
':=':Ident ':=':Position
TRUE:Ident TRUE:Position
'..':Ident '..':Position
The preprocessor for the parser specification is part of the program cg.
It is called by the following command:
cg -xzvjc [ Parser.pars ]
The input is read either from the file given as argument or from standard
input if the argument is missing. The output is written to a file named
<Parser>.lalr. The program is controlled by the following options:
x generate scanner specification for rex
z generate parser specification for lalr
v omit actions in the generated parser specification
j allow undefined node types; define implicitly as terminals
c generate C source code (default is Modula-2)
Appendix 1 of the ag manual [Gro89] contains the complete formal syntax
understood by the program cg. Appendix 2 of this manual shows a parser
specification for the example language MiniLAX. It separates context-free
grammar and attribute computations in two modules. The attribute computations
in the module Tree use one attribute also called Tree and describe the con-
struction of an abstract syntax tree by calling functions generated by ast.
The implementation language is C.
2.2. Scanner Specification
The scanner specification has to contain only those parts that can not be
extracted automatically from the parser specification. This is as already men-
tioned above the description of user-defined tokens like identifiers and
numbers, comments, and the computation of attributes for the tokens. The for-
malism to describe this fragmentary scanner specification (.scan) is the input
language of rex [Gro87]. It may contain three insertion points which instruct
the preprocessor rpp (rex preprocessor) to include certain generated parts.
Moreover, tokens in return statements can be denoted by the same strings or
identifiers as in the parser specification.
INSERT tScanAttribute
in the EXPORT section is replaced by the generated declaration of the type
tScanAttribute and the head or external declaration of the procedure ErrorAt-
INSERT ErrorAttribute
in the GLOBAL section is replaced by the body of the generated procedure
The third insertion point lies in the RULE section and has the following
syntax (only the brackets [ ] are used as meta characters and denote optional
INSERT RULES [CASE-INSENSITIVE] [[NOT] #<start_states>#] [{ <target_code> }]
It is replaced by as many rules as there are tokens extracted automatically
from the parser specification. Every rule has the following format:
NOT # <start_states> # <token> : { <target_code> return <code>; }
The start states including the keyword NOT and the target code are optional
and are copied to the generated rule as indicated. If CASE-INSENSITIVE is
specified, the regular expressions for the tokens are constructed to match
lower as well as upper case letters. Note, only rules for tokens without
explicitly declared attributes are constructed automatically.
Within a rule, return (or RETURN) statements are used to report the
internal code of a recognized token. The expression of those statements can be
any expression of the implementation language or a string or an identifier
used in the parser specification. The latter are replaced by their internal
return 5;
return Ident;
return ':=';
The program rpp is called by the following command:
rpp [ Scanner.rpp ] < Scanner.scan > Scanner.rex
The fragmentary scanner specification is read from standard input. The
scanner specification extracted from the parser specification is read from a
file given as argument. This argument is optional and defaults to Scanner.rpp.
The scanner specification understood by rex is written on standard output.
The basename Scanner in the command line above is usually substituted by the
name of the scanner module.
Appendix 1 contains a scanner specification for the example language
MiniLAX. It uses C as implementation language.
Fig. 2: Conversion programs for scanner and parser specifications
3. Conversion of Scanner and Parser Specifications
3.1. Input Languages
The input languages of rex and lalr have been designed to be as readable
as possible. Although they contain the same information as inputs for lex
[Les75] and yacc [Joh75] they are syntactically incompatible. Several conver-
sion programs allow the transformation of input for rex and lalr to input for
lex and yacc or vice versa. Fig.2 shows the possible conversions for scanner
and parser specifications. Table 2 lists the existing filter programs and the
types of their input and output files.
The option '-v' instructs y2l and cg to omit the semantic actions in the
produced output. The following restrictions or problems are known to exist
because they can not be mapped to the target tool:
- yymore
- yywrap (redirection can be done with rex, but differently)
- %T (specification of the character set is not possible)
Table 2: Filters for input conversion
filter input output
l2r .lex .rex
r2l .rex .lex
y2l .yacc .lalr
cg -u .pars .yacc
cg -z .pars .lalr
bnf .ell .lalr
- yyPrevious
- EOF (specifies actions to be performed upon reaching end of file)
- The conversion of token definitions may not be completely automatic.
- If scanning depends on information collected by the parser then parsers
generated by yacc and lalr may behave differently because they do not
agree upon the order or timing, respectively, of the execution of read
(shift) and reduce actions.
- The attribute computations for ell and lalr are different and are not
3.2. Interfaces
The interfaces of scanners and parsers generated by lex/yacc and rex/lalr
are incompatible. The differences are primarily caused by different names for
the external (exported) objects. Table 3 lists the interface objects. The
interfaces of the scanners and parsers generated by rex and lalr can be
switched from the default as listed in Table 3 to an approximation of the lex
and yacc interfaces. This is controlled by cpp commands:
# define lex_interface
in the EXPORT section of a rex specification selects a lex-style interface for
Table 3: Interfaces of generated scanners and parsers
object yacc/lex lalr/rex
parse routine int yyparse (); int Parser ();
stack size YYMAXDEPTH yyInitStackSize
attribute type YYSTYPE tParsAttribute
global attribute YYSTYPE yylval; tScanAttribute Attribute;
position type typedef struct { short Line, Column; ... } tPosition;
attribute type typedef struct { tPosition Position; ... } tScanAttribute;
scanner routine int yylex (); int GetToken ();
error repair void ErrorAttribute ();
line number int yylineno; member Attribute.Position.Line
token buffer char yytext [];
token length int yyleng;
the scanner.
# define lex_interface
in the EXPORT section of a lalr specification tells the parser to use a lex-
style interface for the scanner.
# define yacc_interface
in the EXPORT section of a lalr specification selects a yacc-style interface
for the parser.
The output of the preprocessors l2r and y2l automatically selects lex-
and yacc-style interfaces. The following problems are known, currently:
- The output of l2r provides the matched string in the array yytext to be
used in action statements. This is done by calling the procedure Getword.
However, many actions do not need yytext. Deleting superfluous calls of
Getword will make the scanner significantly faster.
- Access to the line counter yylineno has to be replaced by access to
- If both, scanner and parser specification have been converted by l2r and
y2l in order to be fed into rex and lalr, the two preprocessor statements
which define lex_interface should be deleted in order to select the stan-
dard interface. This offers more comfort with respect to the information
about the source position.
The preprocessor bnf has been implemented by Bertram Vielsack. The
preprocessors y2l, l2r, rpp, and cg -xz have been implemented by Thomas
J. Grosch, Rex - A Scanner Generator, Compiler Generation Report No. 5,
GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitat Karlsruhe, Dec. 1987.
J. Grosch and B. Vielsack, The Parser Generators Lalr and Ell, Compiler
Generation Report No. 8, GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitat
Karlsruhe, Apr. 1988.
J. Grosch, Ag - An Attribute Evaluator Generator, Compiler Generation
Report No. 16, GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitat Karlsruhe, Aug.
J. Grosch, Ast - A Generator for Abstract Syntax Trees, Compiler
Generation Report No. 15, GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitat
Karlsruhe, Sep. 1991.
S. C. Johnson, Yacc - Yet Another Compiler-Compiler, Computer Science
Technical Report 32, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, July
M. E. Lesk, LEX - A Lexical Analyzer Generator, Computing Science
Technical Report 39, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1975.
Appendix 1: Scanner Specification for MiniLAX
# include "Idents.h"
# include "Positions.h"
INSERT tScanAttribute
# include <math.h>
# include "Memory.h"
# include "StringMem.h"
# include "Idents.h"
# include "Errors.h"
INSERT ErrorAttribute
LOCAL { char Word [256]; }
MessageI ("illegal character", xxError, Attribute.Position, xxCharacter, TokenPtr);
if (yyStartState == Comment)
Message ("unclosed comment", xxError, Attribute.Position);
DEFINE digit = {0-9} .
letter = {a-z A-Z} .
START Comment
"(*" :- {yyStart (Comment);}
#Comment# "*)" :- {yyStart (STD);}
#Comment# "*" | - {*\t\n} + :- {}
#STD# digit + : {(void) GetWord (Word);
Attribute.IntegerConst.Integer = atoi (Word);
return IntegerConst;}
#STD# digit * "." digit + (E {+\-} ? digit +) ?
: {(void) GetWord (Word);
Attribute.RealConst.Real = atof ((char *) Word);
return RealConst;}
#STD# letter (letter | digit) *
: {Attribute.Ident.Ident = MakeIdent (TokenPtr, TokenLength);
return Ident;}
Appendix 2: Parser Specification for MiniLAX
GLOBAL {# include "Idents.h" }
BEGIN { BeginScanner (); }
PREC LEFT '<' /* operator precedence */
LEFT '+'
LEFT '*'
RULE /* concrete syntax */
Prog = PROGRAM Ident ';' 'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' '.' .
Decls = <
Decls1 = Decl .
Decls2 = Decls ';' Decl .
> .
Decl = <
Var = Ident ':' Type .
Proc0 = PROCEDURE Ident ';' 'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' .
Proc = PROCEDURE Ident '(' Formals ')' ';'
'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' .
> .
Formals = <
Formals1 = Formal .
Formals2 = Formals ';' Formal .
> .
Formal = <
Value = Ident ':' Type .
Ref = VAR Ident ':' Type .
> .
Type = <
Real = REAL .
Bool = BOOLEAN .
Array = ARRAY '[' Lwb: IntegerConst '..' Upb: IntegerConst ']' OF Type .
> .
Stats = <
Stats1 = Stat .
Stats2 = Stats ';' Stat .
> .
Stat = <
Assign = Adr ':=' Expr .
Call0 = Ident .
Call = Ident '(' Actuals ')' .
If = IF Expr THEN Then: Stats ELSE Else: Stats 'END' .
While = WHILE Expr DO Stats 'END' .
Read = READ '(' Adr ')' .
Write = WRITE '(' Expr ')' .
> .
Actuals = <
Expr1 = Expr .
Expr2 = Actuals ',' Expr .
> .
Expr = <
Less = Lop: Expr '<' Rop: Expr .
Plus = Lop: Expr '+' Rop: Expr .
Times = Lop: Expr '*' Rop: Expr .
Not = NOT Expr .
'()' = '(' Expr ')' .
IConst = IntegerConst .
RConst = RealConst .
False = FALSE .
True = TRUE .
Adr = <
Name = Ident .
Index = Adr '[' Expr ']' .
> .
> .
/* terminals (with attributes) */
Ident : [Ident: tIdent] { Ident := NoIdent ; } .
IntegerConst : [Integer ] { Integer := 0 ; } .
RealConst : [Real : float ] { Real := 0.0 ; } .
/* import functions for tree construction */
# include "Tree.h"
tTree nInteger, nReal, nBoolean;
nInteger = mInteger ();
nReal = mReal ();
nBoolean = mBoolean ();
/* attributes for tree construction */
Decls Decl Formals Formal Type Stats Stat Actuals Expr = [Tree: tTree] .
RULE /* tree construction = */
/* mapping: concrete syntax -> abstract syntax */
Prog = { => { TreeRoot = mMiniLax (mProc (mNoDecl (), Ident:Ident,
Ident:Position, mNoFormal (), ReverseTree (Decls:Tree),
ReverseTree (Stats:Tree)));}; } .
Decls1 = { Tree := {Decl:Tree->\Decl.Next = mNoDecl (); Tree = Decl:Tree;}; } .
Decls2 = { Tree := {Decl:Tree->\Decl.Next = Decls:Tree; Tree = Decl:Tree;}; } .
Var = { Tree := mVar (NoTree, Ident:Ident, Ident:Position, mRef (Type:Tree));}.
Proc0 = { Tree := mProc (NoTree, Ident:Ident, Ident:Position, mNoFormal (),
ReverseTree (Decls:Tree), ReverseTree (Stats:Tree)); } .
Proc = { Tree := mProc (NoTree, Ident:Ident, Ident:Position, ReverseTree
(Formals:Tree), ReverseTree (Decls:Tree), ReverseTree (Stats:Tree)); } .
Formals1= { Tree := {Formal:Tree->\Formal.Next = mNoFormal ();
Tree = Formal:Tree;}; } .
Formals2= { Tree := {Formal:Tree->\Formal.Next = Formals:Tree;
Tree = Formal:Tree;}; } .
Value = { Tree := mFormal (NoTree, Ident:Ident, Ident:Position,
mRef (Type:Tree)); } .
Ref = { Tree := mFormal (NoTree, Ident:Ident, Ident:Position,
mRef (mRef (Type:Tree))); } .
Int = { Tree := nInteger; } .
Real = { Tree := nReal; } .
Bool = { Tree := nBoolean; } .
Array = { Tree := mArray (Type:Tree, Lwb:Integer, Upb:Integer, Lwb:Position); } .
Stats1 = { Tree := {Stat:Tree->\Stat.Next = mNoStat (); Tree = Stat:Tree;}; } .
Stats2 = { Tree := {Stat:Tree->\Stat.Next = Stats:Tree; Tree = Stat:Tree;}; } .
Assign = { Tree := mAssign (NoTree, Adr:Tree, Expr:Tree, ':=':Position); } .
Call0 = { Tree := mCall (NoTree, mNoActual (Ident:Position), Ident:Ident,
Ident:Position); } .
Call = { Tree := mCall (NoTree, ReverseTree (Actuals:Tree), Ident:Ident,
Ident:Position); } .
If = { Tree := mIf (NoTree, Expr:Tree, ReverseTree (Then:Tree),
ReverseTree (Else:Tree)); } .
While = { Tree := mWhile (NoTree, Expr:Tree, ReverseTree (Stats:Tree)); } .
Read = { Tree := mRead (NoTree, Adr:Tree); } .
Write = { Tree := mWrite (NoTree, Expr:Tree); } .
Expr1 = { Tree := mActual (mNoActual (Expr:Tree->\Expr.Pos), Expr:Tree); } .
Expr2 = { Tree := mActual (Actuals:Tree, Expr:Tree); } .
Less = { Tree := mBinary ('<':Position, Lop:Tree, Rop:Tree, Less); } .
Plus = { Tree := mBinary ('+':Position, Lop:Tree, Rop:Tree, Plus); } .
Times = { Tree := mBinary ('*':Position, Lop:Tree, Rop:Tree, Times); } .
Not = { Tree := mUnary (NOT:Position, Expr:Tree, Not); } .
IConst = { Tree := mIntConst (IntegerConst:Position, IntegerConst:Integer); } .
RConst = { Tree := mRealConst (RealConst:Position, RealConst:Real); } .
False = { Tree := mBoolConst (FALSE:Position, false); } .
True = { Tree := mBoolConst (TRUE:Position, true); } .
Name = { Tree := mIdent (Ident:Position, Ident:Ident); } .
Index = { Tree := mIndex ('[':Position, Adr:Tree, Expr:Tree); } .
END Tree
1. Introduction .................................................... 1
2. Specification of Scanner and Parser with an Attribute Grammar
.................................................................... 1
2.1. Parser Specification ............................................ 2
2.2. Scanner Specification ........................................... 8
3. Conversion of Scanner and Parser Specifications ................. 10
3.1. Input Languages ................................................. 10
3.2. Interfaces ...................................................... 11
References ...................................................... 12
Appendix 1: Scanner Specification for MiniLAX ................... 14
Appendix 2: Parser Specification for MiniLAX .................... 15